Charity Champion or Volunteer of the Year nominee – Philip Such

Charity Champion or Volunteer of the Year nominee – Philip Such
Philip Such has been volunteering for more than 30 years to help young people in Stoke-on-Trent find their voice through music.
The 75-year-old, from Baddeley Green, volunteers for the Friends of City Music Service, including fundraising for musical equipment and supporting events.
Philip helps with everything from organisation and support of events to traffic management.
Now retired, he worked as a teacher and then a headteacher at schools in Staffordshire.
He said: “I always wanted to support young people, I wanted to teach people fundamental life skills that would serve them well in later life. I want people to use the medium of music outside of school as well as in the classroom. That ethos still applies now that I’ve retired.
“I wasn’t born in Stoke-on-Trent but I was taken aback by the talent and the people. I knew I could support this talent through our work with the City Music Service.”
Now Philip has been nominated in the Charity Champion or Volunteer of the Year category of the Your Heroes Awards by several people who have witnessed his work firsthand.
Ruth Steele, Lead for the City Music Service, said: “Philip has never asked for any recognition for the time he has given. He is always there with a smile, helping in whatever way he can. Beyond retirement that time and energy hasn’t ceased.
“The Music Service, schools and children in the city are indebted to his service and will forever be thankful.”
Cathy Lamb, head of MusicShare, said: “Philip cares deeply for the education and betterment of children and young people and for high quality experience in all walks of education, not just in music, but he sees the value of it, particularly for those children in more deprived areas.”
Simon Olphin said: “Philip is a special person and in my time as part of the Friends of City Music Service I have been inspired by his selfless dedication to the children of this great city.”
Philip added: “I feel honoured and amazed to be nominated. It makes it even more special that the nomination was from my peers.
“I’ve always put the kids I’ve supported first and I love being involved with the City Music Service.”