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NHS Hero nominee – Naser Rashid

05 September, 2023

Naser Rashid is still an undergraduate student at Staffordshire University but he’s already made a big impact at the University…

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Uniformed Hero nominee – BikerDown Staffordshire

17 August, 2023

A motorbike accident prevention service run by Staffordshire Police officers on a voluntary basis is helping to reduce deaths on…

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Charity Champion or Volunteer of the Year nominee – Sarah Lyn Turner

17 August, 2023

Sarah Lyn Turner joined 85th Milton Scout Group at the age of six and 26 years later she’s still there…

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Community Group of the Year/Charity Champion or Volunteer of the Year nominee – Staffordshire Choirs Association/Ashley Mellor

16 August, 2023

Musical director Ashley Mellor has been told he should be prescribed by the NHS for the joy he brings into…

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Inspiration in Education nominee – Sam Goodin

15 August, 2023

Special school headteacher Sam Goodin literally takes her work home with her. For the past 13 years she has been…

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Community Group of the Year nominee – Fenton Church of Nazarene

14 August, 2023

A Stoke-on-Trent church that had been earmarked for closure due to dwindling congregations has reinvented itself as a hub of…

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Child of Courage nominee – Alfie Donnelly

10 August, 2023

Alfie Donnelly has multiple, complex heart conditions that have left him needing four lots of open heart surgery, but he…

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Child of Courage nominee – Summer Walker

10 August, 2023

Summer Walker had four brain operations in the space of three weeks, including one the day before her twelfth birthday.…

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Inspiration in Education nominee – Georgina Eckersley

09 August, 2023

Georgina Eckersley wasn’t diagnosed with dyslexia until she was at university and now she’s passionate about helping others in the…

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Charity Champion or Volunteer of the Year nominee – Tom Wilson

20 July, 2023

Bullseye - Tom Wilson has raised more than £66,500 for charity by staging darts events. The 32-year-old from Longton holds…

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