Uniformed Hero nomination – firefighters Jason Humphreys, Owen Crooks, Richard Medway, Mark Pell-Walpole, Gareth Witcomb, Sean Cooley and Nick Fife

Uniformed Hero nomination – firefighters Jason Humphreys, Owen Crooks, Richard Medway, Mark Pell-Walpole, Gareth Witcomb, Sean Cooley and Nick Fife
A woman’s life was saved by the quick actions of a team of firefighters who carried her from a house fire then performed CPR before paramedics arrived at the scene.
The woman had ‘no life signs’ when she was carried out of the building but has gone on to make a full recovery.
Chief Fire Officer Rob Barber KFSM of Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service has nominated the seven firefighters involved in the incident as Uniformed Heroes in the Your Heroes Awards.
He said: “The quick actions of the teams at Penkridge and Cannock meant that a lady’s life was saved following their actions in administering CPR. The crews worked as a team and ensured that the priority of saving life was achieved in some very testing conditions.
“This incident involved a semi-detached property that was alight with persons reported to be inside. Thanks to the swift response from crews from Penkridge Orange Watch and Cannock Green Watch with the support of Owen Crooks as pump operator and Officer in Charge Nick Fife the blaze was quickly contained.
“The initial Breathing Apparatus crew of Sean Cooley and Gareth Witcomb gained access to the property, extinguishing the fire. The crew from Penkridge located a lady inside the property and asked for assistance from the second Breathing Apparatus team of Mark Pell-Walpole and Richard Medway who then carried the casualty with no life signs out of the property.
“The crew outside of the property consisting of Wes Southall and Jason Humphreys performed CPR on the lady until the arrival of West Midlands Ambulance Service.
“The firefighters’ prompt actions prevented the fire from spreading to the adjacent properties. Effective co-ordination and communication enabled crews to rescue and administer a successful resuscitation of the occupant using advanced life support techniques.
“The quick administration of CPR by Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service crews saved the individual’s life. Thanks to the immediate medical intervention the occupant was stabilised and transported to hospital and has since made a full recovery.”
The Uniformed Hero nomination recognises the actions of Jason Humphreys, Owen Crooks, Richard Medway, Mark Pell-Walpole, Gareth Witcomb, Sean Cooley and Nick Fife.